Thursday, August 9, 2007

It is time!

Time to take some serious action. Time to finally start with a diet. I gained a lot of weight in the past year due to the fact that I didn't feel comfortable about the situation in my former job. I am an emotional eater. I eat when I have stress or don't feel well. In the past few months I started dieting several times, but each time I quitted after a few days. Apparently I wasn't disciplined enough. During this 2-week holiday I gained more weight than I ever did during a holiday. Shock! Well, not really a surprise given the fact that I ate a croissant and almost half a baguette for breakfast, half a baguette for lunch, a delicious Carte D'Or ice cream cone (pistache and banana chocolate ice cream were my favorites) every day and salad Piémontaise au Jambon supérieur (made of ham, potatoes, tomatoes, eggs, pickles in sort of mayonaise dressing) or Tabouleh Oriéntale to go with lunch or BBQ. I truly hope that these extra kilos disappear as fast as I gained them. However, losing these few kilos isn't enough. I have to lose a lot more, so as of today I will be on a diet again. No more cookies, potato chips, candies and other unhealthy food for me. I know I can do it and this time I am more determined than ever. Until 3 years ago I had a lot of overweight and I managed - with ups and downs - to lose 20 kilo/3.1 stone in 2 years. I told myself I never wanted to be that heavy anymore, but if I don't take care of myself now I will end up in that same situation again. I was so proud of myself after losing 20 kilo/3.1 stone, and I want to have that same feeling again. I have to lose quite a lot of weight, but my first milestone is to lose 5 kilo/11lb.


Brigitta said...

good to see you back Ingrid. And maybe we can help one another 'cause a friend of mine took a picture last tuesday and I'm in total shock!!! I'll send you a picture for the swap asap

Misty said...

Good luck to you! Once you're determined, you can do it. I lost 40 pounds, it took a while, but they came off, and they will stay off because each time I gain a little back I kick my butt into high gear again and work out more.
Have a great day.

Leontine said...

Hi Ingrid, welcome home!! You know I started about 6 weeks ago and with me it goes really great. OK, I would like to go faster but I also don't want to "not do" everything. Once in a while I want to take something bad...and not feel bad about it. But in my case: don't eat anything after dinner is working, so I will continue. But I am happy when ik can sport again...

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie, welcome back! On your collage of pics it looks like you had such fun! Here's a new non-scrapbooking-challenge: you, me with runningshoes on, going for an evening run in our town LOL, if we don't make it further than 5 mins, we'll take the tram back in town and go for a capucchino. (OK, forget that coffee, but the rest goes), wattayousay ;-))))

*~SCRAP-GEK~* said...

welcome back ingrid! and you go girl!!! I know you can do it!!! marije.

Janny said...

dit klinkt een beetje als mijn verhaal Ingrid ik was ook 19 kilo afgevallen, maar inmiddels zitten er na 2 jaar al weer 10 kilo bij, baal ervan maar het lukt me nog niet om er wat af te krijgen, teveel stress op dit momen

ps terwijl ik dit type zit ik achter een blok chocolade

Lilian Schneider said...

You go for it girl! Maybe with the help of Sonja Bakker's? Not the whole diet but the recepees are good and low calorie.

Lisette Gibbons said...

I'll join you for the first 5kg! After the holiday I've lost my discipline, so I want to lose a few too...

~Nancy~ said...

I know you can do it.. but just give it some time..and look back at your awesome vacation.. you enjoyed every second of it without thinking about it!! Hang in there! XOXO

Charlotte said...

Ohhh - it's VERY good to see you back, Ingrid! You've been missed! :-)

I wish you the best of luck with loosing weight! It sounds like you are really into it now and that you are so motivated. 3 years ago I lost 13 kilos and I was very proud and I felt soooo good both on the inside and out. Unfortunately the 13 kilos are back on my body! So I also struggle everyday! Not fun - but it's worth it.

It sounds like you had a wonderful time in France! I look forward to see some beautiful pages from your trip!

I hope you'll have a NICE Friday! I'll talk to you later.


Heidie said...

Welcome home, and I know that you can do it.

D@nielle said...

I wish you lots of strenght, I had to lose 12 kilo's after each child and know how hard it is. I did not think I could do it but we are allways stronger than we think, I'll be rooting for you !

Monique Helfrich said...

Let's shake hands on that vacation kilo's part ;) Let's do the first 5 together. Maybe support can help us!

Unknown said...

dat vind ik nou sneu om te horen, dat je toch nog weer verder teruggevallen bent.. I know the feeling.!
Succes met de eerste paar weken, want, als je eenmaal dat beginnetje weer hebt, gaat het steeds makkelijker.
Ik doe met je mee!!

groetjes Marjan